Some Stuff About Me
So this is where you can find some album or track reviews by yours truly. I usually review rock, but you might see some indie, alternative, or basically anything I find interesting.
My Favorite Albums: "It Won't Always Be Like This" - Inhaler
A Beginner's Guide to Britpop
Ten of My Favorite Lyrics
My Favorite Albums: "The Bends" and "In Rainbows" (because I can't pick one)
New Album: "Imploding the Mirage" - The Killers
My Favorite Albums: "Turn On The Bright Lights" - Interpol
New Album: "The New Abnormal" - The Strokes
My Favorite Albums: "Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino" - Arctic Monkeys
My Favorite Albums: "Station to Station" - David Bowie
My Favorite Bands (right now)